Friday, May 3, 2013

Int'l Permaculture Day/Cinco de Mayo (May 5)

January Nordmann, Wisdom Quarterly; Bill Mollison,

Rose Deveen (left) at the Institute of Urban Ecology, 2013, Zorthian Ranch, Altadena
PERMACULTURE (permanent agriculture) is a design system for creating sustainable human environments.

Cinco de Mayo, on the other hand, is a celebration of Mexican origin largely ignored by residents of Mexico but beloved by Americans as if it were our southern neighbor's Fourth of July, which it is not.
It is about designing households, home gardens, and communities that are productive, largely self-sustaining, and capable of supporting self-reliant participants (human, flora, and fauna) with a minimal impact on the environment (

America loves many things Mexican, but mostly the celebrations, drinks, and foods (HP/AP)

International Permaculture Day is a celebration featuring a wide range of permaculture events occurring across America, Australia, and the globe. All activities are held on the first Sunday in May unless specified otherwise.
All of us would acknowledge our own work as modest, but the totality of such modest work is impressive. Great changes are taking place. Join us to make a better future! Ingenio Patet Campus. The field lies open to the intellect. - Bill Mollison

How to Participate
The theme for International Permaculture Day 2013 is GROW LOCAL! to highlight the value of permaculture design for building local resilience. 
Grow Local! refers to food, energy, shelter, fiber, community, economy, and so on. We want to hear from all live on Sunday about growing local. For more about the day and permaculture, see the ABOUT page, the press release, and this article.

How? All that is needed to participate in Grow Local Live! is a computer or smartphone with a good Internet connection and a built-in or plug-in camera and microphone. Enroll live events. Ideas include reporting from an event one is attending or hosting, field reports, on the spot interviews, or anything on the theme. More

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