Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jared Leto's "30 Secs to Mars" (free show)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; TSTM; Nadia Noir, KROQ.com
I don't see Jared here! Ground Control, is this some kind of joke?

Dreamy "30 STM" in Native American shaman feathers (new photos, fanpop.com)
Thirty Seconds to Mars plays; girls go wild (KROQ Weenie Roast 2013/craveonline.com)
Attacked on stage by fans (mandolinaes)
The band -- releasing their fourth studio album Love, Lust, Faith, and Dreams tomorrow -- is doing just that. Jared Leto announced exclusively on KROQ that Thirty Seconds To Mars will be playing a Church of Mars show for free in Los Angeles TUESDAY evening (May 21, 2013) in honor of their record release. Details below.

Deva (diva), demon, or darling? (fanpop.com)
Los Angeles’ Thirty Seconds To Mars played their “first big show in a year and half” to a packed house on Saturday night at KROQ’s Weenie Roast
In a conversation with a KROQ DJ this afternoon, frontman Jared Leto said that he was “happy” that he “managed to get through it without collapsing,” partially because he was afraid to lose his voice, but also because hometown shows make the seemingly cool-headed actor get a little “nervous.”
REVIEW: KROQ's summer rock concert
In an earlier interview with DJ Kat Corbett, Leto that he’d seen greats like Radiohead, Oasis, and Blur at different Weenie Roasts throughout the years as just a music fan. Now it’s Thirty Seconds To Mars’ turn to influence the future Jared Leto’s of Southern California.

Why Mars Venus Collide
“I’m entirely grateful to the rock gods for letting me finish the show,” said Leto. “It was lovely to see all the freaks in California that are our family that we love so much and it was a great way to start. So, really happy to be part of the festivities.”
Leto opened up Thirty Seconds To Mars’ portion of the festivities by playing “The Kill” acoustic in the middle of the audience and admitted that he loves to “break down that wall between the band and the audience.” More
B.S. Obama fans? 30STM at Euro MTV Awards

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