Friday, June 21, 2013

My sister's divorce (comedy)

Bela Larson and Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; "Taylor Swift, Inc."; Bart Baker
(The BRITs Channel) Tadolf goes dubstep and musical theater, almost burlesque, for her "I Knew You Were Trouble" performance at the 2013 Brit Awards
Why is Tadolf copying Avril? (BusinessInsider)
Stop moping, Amber. "Wife" is a great role -- unless you're adopting it to escape the homelife. The life of a householder, particularly a kid in someone else's household, is tough. There's no freedom, no fun, no liberty, no use! So girls dream of wedding in a great white gown (and of honeymooning in a red teddy). Tadolf Swiftler and her handlers know how to play into this fantasy. But I think her whole "country Taylor Swift/city Avril Lavigne" duality is a front. So, sis, is there something you can learn from Tadolf's erratic behavior? She gets written up in Hollywood gossip columns and foreign tabloids for her actions. And people parody her (lol):

"OMG, we are done! You are scary!" "Never ever cheat, Kennedy!" (Bart Baker/WQ)
WARNING: "Taylor" cusses! (Bart Baker) Taylor is after all of her ex-boyfriends because they dumped her in this "I Knew You Were Trouble" parody. (Get it on iTunes).

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