Sunday, June 16, 2013

Occupy Istanbul, Wall Street, World (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Occupy NATO (Twitter/OccupyLARunner)
Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at

Los Angeles is in solidarity with #OccupyWallStreet and other occupations and actions throughout the nation and the world. We are the 99%! We demand a world that works for everyone through actual democracy rather than corporatocracy. We will stand up, speak out, and not be silent. Join #Occupy. Where?

GEZI PARK, Turkey - Millions are in revolt in and around Istanbul. Although the revolt is called the Gezi Park Resistance, it is no longer about saving trees and parks from the neo-liberal capitalist governmental plan of "urban renewal."

Instead, it is a cry of millions of young people for freedom and authentic democracy. This is a historic youth protest. They belong to different social classes and hold different socio-cultural positions with no political agenda other than the collective will to END STATE AUTHORITARIANISM.
It is momentous due to its politicizing effect on millions of middle-class urbanites who are often criticized by elders as being apolitical, a paradoxically "disconnected" digital generation. This uprising is mobilized and spearheaded by the young of different demographic categories, but it is supported and has the active participation of people from all walks of life. More

After  police attacked Taksim Square (O. Kaytazoglu/
Gezi Park
Taksim shortly before paramilitary attack
(#OccupyGezi) On Day 14 of the Gezi Park resistance, Taksim Square was turned into a battlefield. Police engaged in military tactics against peaceful demonstrators and decimated the square by 8:00 am. Police attacks went on for 21 hours, from 7:00 am until 4:00 am the next day. After the day’s police operation, a call was issued by the Taksim Solidarity Platform for a convergence at 7:00 pm on the square. Tens of thousands of people marched from the direction of Harbiye passing Cumhuriyet Street, where people defending Gezi Park peacefully resisted police violence throughout the day. Shortly after arriving at the square, the police attacked... More

Police state detainments of occupy participants in the USA (

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