Friday, June 28, 2013

Alphabetical 26-genre song (video)

Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Andy and Dave (Boy in a Band) take us on a tour of modern musical genres to discover what sound "speaks" to us given that music defines personality. The genres explored here are: 1. Ambient, 2. Baroque, 3. Chiptune, 4. Dubstep, 5. Emo, 6. Folk, 7. Grunge, 8. Horrorcore, 9. IDM, 10. Jazz, 11. K-Pop, 12. Latin, 13. Math Metal, 14. Noise, 15. Opera, 16. Polka, 17. Quan Ho, 18. Reggae, 19. Ska, 20. Trap, 21. UK Garage, 22. Viking Metal, 23. Wonky, 24. Xoomii, 25. Yodel and, of course, 26. Zouk.

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