Friday, June 7, 2013

Santa Monica terrorism (video)

CC Liu, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly ; Noam Chomsky (
Revelations of Desires 叶公好龙 a professed love of what one actually fears 穿越幾千年的時間與空間 半懂不懂地在歷史夾縫中 尋找古老年代的啟迪 足以令人窒息 可是我確實一廂情愿地 把魂丟在那里了 (Xiye).

(Lorraine Schneider/
LOS ANGELES, California - In the deployment of homegrown terrorism and its planned "solution," brought to us by the Military-Industrial Complex as the ultimate covert war on the citizens of the country that promotes more covert wars than any other, the next "incident" is currently taking place in the beach town of Santa Monica, on the west side of the City of Lost Angels and Hollywood. Against the Stream Santa Monica may have to cancel the sold out Tara Brach appearance. The Landmark may cancel the DIRTY WARS premiere in LA. While the mainstream media supports war and disinformation-in-support-of war, who will explain it better than, FreeSpeechRadioNews (,,, Camelot,, and C2C? Meanwhile, art continues in the city's central park:

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