Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Best Pizza (contest)

CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly, P. Gautam, Animal Advocacy Museum, Pasadena

Compassionate food tastes better
On Saturday June 29th, Amber Larson is entering a cooking contest to determine the Best Vegan Pizza ever. Yes, the creators of the Vegan Bake-Off in 2010 and the Vegan Mac n' Cheese Contest of 2012 have teamed up for a contest to end all contests! On this one day, attendants at the AAM will decide who makes the BEST vegan pizza. Each attendee will cast a vote for the Audience Choice Award, but a select panel of expert judges will vote for Judge's Choice. Open to all.

Cheaters never prosper in the pizza world
WARNING: Judges, one of our male editors plans to cheat by bringing in a "Berkeley Vegan" from Z Pizza using Daiya vegan cheese. (You'll know it's his because he's slicing it into the shape of a pentagram). Due to the large anticipated turnout, tickets should have been secured by June 24th. But come anyway; it encourages them. More

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