Tuesday, June 18, 2013

World War W: Pres. George W. Bush speaks

Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly; James Abraham (ieweekly.com), June 13, 2013
"Huh huh, you said 'Bush.'" Heh heh, you said 'Dick.'" Where's Gen. Colon Powell?

What am I on trial for? I was the Decider!
A fan of George W. Bush? No? Join a cadre of like-minded thinkers in the desert as activists and organizers gather to protest the former president’s keynote address at Morongo Casino Resort & Spa. Entitled “Never Forgive, Never Forget: The Trial of George W. Bush,” the protest is slated to gather at the Morongo Travel Center (gas station) at 49020 Seminole Dr., Cabazon. They’re going to make some noise. What’s the problem? Organizers cite the estimated 654,965 to 1.5 million lives lost due to the War on Iraq alone -- and that blood is on Bush’s hands, activists say. But let the activists put it in their own words: More
I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Patriots

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