Sunday, July 14, 2013

How to make money selling DRUGS (video)

Dhr. Seven, Boo, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; Access to Insight (Right Livelihood)
Drug dealing and addiction fall within the Realm of Hungry Ghosts (

Drug dealing? (BrookeMontes/flickr)
Right livelihood is the fifth factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, belonging to the division of the path relating to virtue.

"What is right livelihood? A follower of the noble [enlightened] ones, having abandoned dishonest means, maintains oneself through right livelihood" (SN 45.8).

Wrong livelihood for lay followers
"A lay follower avoids five types of wrong livelihood. What five?
  1. Trafficking in weapons, 
  2. trafficking in human beings, 
  3. trafficking in meat, 
  4. trafficking in intoxicants,
  5. trafficking in poisons" (AN 5.177).
Balanced livelihood
"Here [within this Doctrine and Discipline], Vyagghapajja, a householder aware of both income and expenses leads a balanced life. One is neither extravagant nor miserly, keeping income in excess of expenses rather than expenses in excess of income."
If your outgo exceeds your income,
your upkeep will be your downfall.
"Just as a goldsmith or apprentice knows by holding up a scale that so much has it dipped down or by so much it has tilted up -- even so a householder is aware of income and expenses and thereby leads a balanced life. One is neither extravagant nor miserly, keeping income in excess of expenses rather than expenses in excess of income" (AN 8.54).

WARNING: Explicit Hollywood depiction of ghetto life, drug dealing, and get rich quick dreams! "Bugatti" by Ace Hood featuring Future and Rick Ross. (C) Cash Money Records, Inc.

Relation to other path factors
"How is right view the forerunner? One discerns wrong livelihood and right livelihood. What is wrong livelihood? Scheming, persuading, hinting, belittling, and pursuing gain with gain. This is wrong livelihood...

"One abandons wrong livelihood to enter into right livelihood; this is one's right effort. One is mindful to abandon wrong livelihood and to enter and remain in right livelihood; this is one's right mindfulness. These three qualities -- right view, right effort, and right mindfulness -- run around and circle right livelihood" (MN 117).

Thinking of becoming a soldier?
You may want to reconsider
You sure do got a pretty mouth, suicide boy! You ready to kill without question when I order you to?! -- Yes. -- I don't hear you, boy! -- Sir, yes, sir!
"Then Yodhajiva, the headman, went to the Blessed One, bowed, sat down respectfully to one side, and said:
"Venerable sir, I have heard that it has been passed down by the ancient teaching lineage of warriors that 'When a warrior strives and exerts in battle, if others strike one down and slay one while striving and exerting in battle, then at the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the company of devas [angels, gods, glory-seeking martyrs] slain in battle.' What does the Blessed One say about that?"

"Enough, headman. Set that aside. Do not ask me that."

Be all you can be, dumb@$$. Army strong.
A second time and a third time Yodhajiva repeated the question.

"Apparently, headman, I have not been able to dissuade you by saying, 'Enough, headman. Set that aside. Do not ask me that.'
"So I will frankly say that when a warrior strives and exerts in battle, that warrior's mind is already seized, debased, and misdirected by the thought: 'May these beings be struck down, slaughtered, annihilated, or utterly destroyed. May they not exist.' If others strike one down and slay one striving and exerting in battle then at the breakup of the body, after death, that person is reborn in a hell called the Realm of those Slain in Battle.

"And if one holds such a view as, 'When a warrior strives and exerts oneself in battle, if others strike one down and slay one while striving and exerting in battle, then at the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the company of devas slain in battle,' that is one's wrong view. Now, there are two destinations for a person clinging to wrong view, I tell you, either hell or the animal womb."

When this was said, Yodhajiva the headman sobbed then burst into tears. [The Buddha said:] "That is what I could not dissuade you from asking when I said, 'Enough, headman. Put that aside. Do not ask me that.'"

"Venerable sir, I am not crying because of what the Blessed One said, but because I have been deceived, cheated, and fooled for a long time by that ancient teaching lineage of warriors" (SN 42.3).

Considering an entertainment career?
You may want to reconsider

Then Talaputa, the head of a troupe of actors, went to the Blessed One, bowed, sat respectfully to one side, and said:
"Venerable sir, I have heard that it has been passed down by the ancient teaching lineage of actors that, 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh and gives them delight by imitating [counterfeiting] reality then at the breakup of the body, after death, that person is reborn in the company of the laughing devas.' What does the Blessed One have to say about that?"
"Enough, headman. Put that aside. Do not ask me that."

A second time and third time Talaputa repeated the question.

"Apparently, headman, I have not been able to dissuade you by saying, 'Enough, headman. Put that aside. Do not ask me that.' So I will frankly say that any beings who are not devoid of passion to begin with, who are bound by the bond of passion, focus with even more passion on things inspiring passion presented by an actor on stage in the midst of a festival. [The same is repeated for aversion and delusion.] Thus the actor -- intoxicated and heedless, having made others intoxicated and heedless -- at the breakup of the body, after death, is reborn in a hell called the Hell of Laughter. 

"And if one holds such a view as, 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh and gives them delight by imitating [counterfeiting] reality then at the breakup of the body, after death, that person is reborn in the company of the laughing devas,' that is that person's wrong view. Now, there are two destinations for a person clinging to wrong view, I tell you, either hell or the animal womb."
When this was said, Talaputa, the head of an acting troupe, sobbed then burst into tears. [The Buddha said:] "That is what I could not dissuade you from asking by saying, 'Enough, headman. Put that aside. Do not ask me that.'"

"I am not crying, venerable sir, because of what the Blessed One said, but because I have been deceived, cheated, and fooled for a long time by that ancient teaching lineage of actors who say, 'When an actor on the stage, in the midst of a festival, makes people laugh and gives them delight by imitating reality, then at the breakup of the body, after death, one is reborn in the company of the laughing devas' (SN 42.2).

"How to make money selling drugs" - explained by makers

Wrong livelihood for monastics
[One avoids] ...reading marks on the limbs [e.g., palmistry]; reading omens and signs; interpreting celestial events [falling stars, comets]; interpreting dreams; reading marks on the body [e.g., phrenology]; reading marks on cloth gnawed by mice [e.g., tea leaves, bones, sticks, cards, etc.]; offering fire oblations, oblations from a ladle, oblations of husks, rice powder, rice grains, ghee, and oil; offering oblations from the mouth; offering blood-sacrifices; making predictions based on the fingertips; geomancy; laying demons in a cemetery; placing spells on spirits; reciting house-protection charms; snake charming, poison-lore, scorpion-lore, rat-lore, bird-lore, crow-lore; fortune-telling based on visions; giving protective charms; interpreting the calls of birds and animals... (DN 2)  [The list continues to encompass a comprehensive list of shady old priestly money-making arts.]

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