Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Evidence of Reincarnation (video)

Wisdom Quarterly; Walter Semkiw on Barbro (Anne Frank)

Anne Frank (
In this documentary Dr. Jim Tucker, M.D., and Dr. Walter Semkiw, M.D., discuss the pioneering reincarnation (rebirth) research of Prof. Ian Stevenson, M.D., of the University of Virginia.

It involves small children who spontaneously remember past lives that can be factually verified. In addition, the reincarnation case of James Leininger, who as a child remembered a past life as WW II US fighter pilot James Huston.

Barbro Karlen relates her memories in childhood of being the world's most famous Holocaust victim, Anne Frank, author of The Diary of Anne Frank. Barbro has the same innate talents as Anne as well as similar facial features. Anne Frank was persecuted as a Jew by the Nazis, whereas Barbro was born into a Christian family in Sweden nine years after Anne's death.

Wisdom Quarterly had the opportunity to meet and talk to Barbro Karlen in Los Angeles (Conscious Life Expo); surprisingly, she reported no affinity whatsoever with the Jewish religion. She is now a Christian and, while expressing no real opinion about Judaism, is open to eastern philosophies that embrace past lives. 
This case dramatically shows how religion and nationality, race and other relevant identifiers, can change from one lifetime to another, an observation that can change society and possibly make the world a more peaceful place. Note that if the Nazis knew that one could be reborn Jewish in one incarnation and Christian in another, the Holocaust might never have happened.

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