Thursday, August 29, 2013

Yosemite, Marijuana, D.C. burning (video)

Devi in fairy ring
(SCPR, Aug. 28, 2013) Time-lapse photography shows various perspectives of the 2013 Rim Fire, as viewed from Yosemite National Park. The first part of this video is from the Crane Flat Helibase. The fire is currently burning in wilderness and is not immediately threatening visitors or employees. The second half of the video is from Glacier Point, overlooking Yosemite Valley, illustrating how little the smoke from the fire has impacted the Valley. More

Quiet forests are the haunts of Bhumi devas (Earth spirits) who live dependent on trees.
Men, Women, and Depression
Fact: Women are diagnosed with depression at twice the rate that men are. But a surprising study of 5,692 people that was published this week in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry shows that men actually suffer from depression nearly as often as women do. So how have doctors and therapists been missing the signs? More

March on Washington, 1963: "I Have a Dream" speech in brief (MLK)

Feds won't stop pot use legalized by states
Cultivation on public land is ruining our forests (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/
Why is it so easy to get despite the "war"?
Despite 75 years of fabricated federal marijuana prohibition [on behalf of oil and other business interests], the Justice Department said today that states can let people use the drug, license people to grow it, and even allow adults to stroll into stores and buy it -- as long as the weed is kept away from kids, the black market and federal property.
These are the eight issues the Justice Department says must be addressed by states:
  • Preventing marijuana from getting to minors.
  • Keeping money from marijuana sales from going to criminal enterprises, gangs, and cartels. [Relocate those profits to corporate coffers.]
  • Preventing pot from states where it's legal from getting into states where it remains criminalized.
  • Preventing state-authorized marijuana activity from being used as a cover for trafficking in other illegal drugs or activity.
  • Preventing violence and the use of firearms in the growing and distribution of pot.
  • Preventing people from driving while stoned and other "adverse public health consequences associated with marijuana use."
  • Preventing marijuana from being grown on public lands.
  • Preventing pot possession on federal property. [The police state has its own interests to protect and laws to enforce so that we are never safe from a two-tiered legal system.]
In a sweeping new policy statement prompted by pot legalization votes in Washington state and Colorado last fall, the department gave the green light to states... More

Animal longevity

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