Saturday, September 21, 2013

Calling all Buddhist Geeks! Apply now

Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Vince Horn and Crew,

The doors to the Buddhist Geeks Community are now open!

This is a space for Buddhists to connect, practice, and learn with fellow geeks in a community that spans philosophical approaches as well as geographical and generational boundaries.
Think of it as the conversations that have been happening in the Podcast and at the Conferences, but now opened up to geeks everywhere.

At this time, the Community (a cyber-sangha of sorts) invites all to apply to be included. The application helps BG get to know potential geeks. Spend a month trying it out for FREE (no payment information required).
If one chooses to continue to be in the Community after that month, BG will be in touch to ask for a monthly financial contribution. This contribution helps support Buddhist Geeks in being able to maintain the Community and the rest of the organization. Scholarships are available for those who need them.

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