Thursday, October 10, 2013

Zen Meditation Retreat: Beginner's Mind

There will be a one day Zen meditation retreat (zazenkai) this Saturday at the Beginner's Mind Zen Center in The Valley (Northridge).

Interested in trying a meditation retreat, but hesitant due to its possible intensity? A zazenkai like this is a great way to try it for just a day. It deepens one's practice. Rates are only $15 for the day for BMZC members, $25 for non-members with vegetarian lunch included.
Join this full day of zazen (meditation), talks, service, teas, lunch, dokusan (teacher interview), and samu (mindful work). Fees cover practice supplies, expenses (incense, flowers, utilities, cleaning supplies, etc.), lunch, tea, and snacks served during the day. Be well and sit strongly.
  • 9325 Lasaine Avenue
  • Northridge, CA 91325
  • INFO/RSVP: (818) 349-7708
  • Mile east of CSUN, at Louise/Plummer
October 12, 2013 8:00 am-5:30 pm
8:00 am Zazen (sitting meditation), 8:30 Kinhin (walking meditation), 8:40 Zazen, 9:10 Kinhin, 9:20 Tea (ceremonial beverage), 9:40 Break, 10:00 Zazen, 10:30 Kinhin, 10:40 Zazen, 11:10 Kinhin, 11:20 Talk (Dharma inspiration), 11:50 Service, 12:10 pm LUNCH,* 12:40 Break, 1:10 Samu (work period), 1:40 End of work period, 1:50 Zazen, 2:20 Kinhin, 2:30 Zazen, 3:00 Kinhin, 3:10 Tea, 3:30 Break, 3:50 Zazen, 4:20 Kinhin, 4:30 Discussion, 5:30 End
*LUNCH: vegan/gluten-free lunch provided at no charge. Or bring a vegetarian lunch that does not require preparation in a cooler or insulated container as refrigerator space is limited.

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