Friday, November 1, 2013

Breaking Habitual Emotional Patterns (video)

Tamara Levitt, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Pema Chodron (Great Path)
Life can get draining, emotionally taxing, overwhelming -- if we are full of shenpa. (Mutts)
Tamara Levitt (
It has been a great honor receiving emails about my short film "Ode to Failure" and hope more people have the opportunity to view it and share their thoughts.
It would be a greater honor to share another piece recorded on breaking habitual thoughts and patterns -- a very difficult feat indeed. But with patience and practice, it has often been possible to accomplish.

With the tools shared, the hope is supporting others in attaining some prajñā (wisdom), a clear seeing of what is really happening. This helps us out of our preconceived storylines.

  • Working with shenpa in meditation and relaxing with positive groundlessness (basic goodness) from Choosing a Fresh Alternative (Talk 5: Bringing Together Practice with the Teachings, Great Path Tapes and Books,
Pema Chodron (Huff Post)
A very helpful way to practice getting unstuck from our shenpas (our hooks or addictive nature) is the method of the four R’s shared by the Buddhist nun Pema Chodron. The four R’s are:
  1. Recognizing
  2. Refraining
  3. Relaxing
  4. Resolving.
My video is about how to integrate and work with this invaluable technique.
Know Your "Inner Hooker": Five Ways to Work With Shenpa

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