Monday, November 18, 2013

The Habits of Happiness (Matthieu Ricard)

Ashley Wells, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; Ven. Matthieu "Happiest Man in the World" Ricard, Ph.D., TEDtalks (innovations in Technology, Engineering, Design)

( What is happiness, and how can we ALL get some? Vajrayana Buddhist monk, renowned French scientist, photographer, Tibetan translator, and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these questions. And his answer is influenced by his conviction as well as by his scientific turn of mind: We can train our minds in habits of happiness. Interwoven with his talk are stunning photographs of the Himalayas and of his spiritual community.
  • Aung San Suu Kyi to launch AIDS 2014 in Australia Nobel Peace Prize winner, the Lady (Daw), will be keynote speaker at this year’s World AIDS Day reception to be hosted by the Pacific Friends of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in Melbourne on Dec. 1st.
  • Bhumi-devi (
    ANASTASIA (Ringing Cedars of Russia), tells the story of Vladimir Megre's trip to the Siberian taiga in 1995, where he witnessed incredible spiritual phenomena (human or ET?) connected with sacred "ringing cedar" trees. He spent three days with a woman named Anastasia, who shared with him her unique outlook on subjects as diverse as gardening, child-rearing, healing, Nature, sexuality, religion, and more. This wilderness experience transformed Vladimir so deeply that he abandoned his commercial plans and, penniless, went to Moscow to fulfill Anastasia's request and write a book about the spiritual insights she so generously shared with him. True to her promise this life-changing book, once written, has become an international bestseller and has touched hearts of millions of people worldwide.
  • UFO intrigue flies high (Newcastle Herald)
森の木琴,   ドコモのサイトでステキな映像発見。 (Touchwood) 

Go to the woods of Kyushu (Japan), engineer a massive xylophone down the slope of a forested hill. Take a wooden ball, place it at the top, and push it. What do you get? Bach's treatment of a traditional church hymn! All this for a Japanese commercial for a curved smartphone with the tagline, "Touch Wood" (

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