Sunday, November 17, 2013

Tibetan Yeti is real: Oxford geneticist (video)

(Bigfoot Evidence) Documentary: The Government Cover-Up of Bigfoot and Cryptids

Yeti Mystery Solved says Geneticist
Yeti hand (
An Oxford University geneticist says he has solved the mystery of the Tibetan snow creature called Yeti (“Abominable Snowman”). 

For hundreds of years the Yeti [yakshini, yakṣī, यक्षी, “ogre”] legend focuses on an ape like creature that hides in the Himalayas striking out at hunters leaving huge foot prints behind in its violent wake. Once again science stands on the verge of dispelling myth as genetic investigators present some compelling DNA evidence.
Has the Yeti mystery finally been solved?
Geneticist Bryan Sykes’ DNA testing is part of the Oxford-Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project (Wolfson College), which is also looking for genetic evidence of other mysterious creatures like Sasquatch in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and the Almasty in Russia. People from all over the world submitted samples to the project along with detailed descriptions in response to Prof. Sykes’ global call for said samples.
Yeti scalp, Nepalese ritual artifact (wiki)
Prof. Sykes studied DNA from a pair of unidentified animals killed in the Himalayas” over the course of the last 40 or so years.

The samples included a single hair and a mummified jawbone. The samples were compared to a database of known animal DNA and produced some eye-opening results. More
  • Bigfoot is a kind of "human," DNA shows The study was conducted by a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging, and pathology, led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoches, TX. In response to recent interest in the study, Dr. Ketchum can confirm that her team...
  • Bigfoot DNA analysis completed (audio) Coast to Coast welcomed back Dr. Melba S. Ketchum (, the professional geneticist who sequenced Bigfoot's DNA from hair and flesh samples. Host George Knapp discussed the official release...
  • View from the Top of the World (film) Those who search will find a great deal of plausible evidence, such as that of Dr. Ketchum's recent DNA analysis and more DNA data being confirmed by a group that will be much more careful how they release the information...
(ABC News) Professor Bryan Sykes of Oxford tested hair samples from various sightings and makes a startling claim. (What can anyone ever expect from the mainstream media and the gatekeepers in "respectable" academia except more cover ups and diversions like this?)
  • 5 Strange Bigfoot Theories (videos) While Bigfoot seems like a North American phenomenon, there are tales of giant "wildmen" around the world -- from the Tibetan Yeti to the Australian Yowie and Siberia's Chunchunya [and Indonesian fossil evidence]. And the Almas:
The Almas (cryptozoology)
Bill Munns/Gigantopithecus
The Almas (Mongolian Алмас, Bulgarian Алмас, Chechen Алмазы, Turkish Albıs), Mongolian for "wild man," is a purported cryptozoological species of hominid reputed to inhabit the Caucasus and Pamir Mountains of central Asia, and the Altai Mountains of southern Mongolia (Living Ape-Men: The Almas of Central Asia).
The creature is not yet officially recognized and cataloged by science. Mainstream scientists generally reject even the possibility that such mega-fauna cryptids can exist, due in part to the improbable numbers necessary thought to maintain a breeding population, and because climate and food supply issues make their survival in reported habitats unlikely (Bengt Sjögren, Berömda vidunder, Settern, 1980).
1. Gorilla 2. Australopithecus 3. Homo erectus 4. Neanderthal 5. Steinheim Skull 6. Human
Almas is a singular word in Mongolian; the properly formed Turkic plural would be almaslar. As is typical of similar legendary creatures (Bigfoot, Bigfoots) throughout Central Asia, Russia, Pakistan, and the Caucasus, the Almas is generally considered to be more akin to "wild people" in appearance and habits than to apes (in contrast to the Yeti of the Himalayas).

Male and female (Neanderthal Museum)
Almases are typically described as human-like bipedal animals, between five and six and a half feet tall, their bodies covered with reddish-brown hair, with anthropomorphic facial features including a pronounced browridge, flat nose, and a weak chin (Michael Newton, "Almas/Almasti," Encyclopedia of Cryptozoology: A Global Guide, 2005. McFarland & Company, Inc. p. 19). Many cryptozoologists believe there is a similarity between these descriptions and modern reconstructions of how Neanderthals might have appeared. More

(Monster Quest) "The Abominable Snowman" sought in Nepal, the Himalayas, Tibet, India's Himalchal Pradesh and Sikkim, Bhutan, China, and Mongolia...
(Esoteric Haven) Some are now no ordinary bears but Ice Age hybrids

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