Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Human-DEVA speaks (video)

Dev, Kalyani, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly; devi "crystal child" Jessica Schab via Bill Ryan, Kerry Cassidy (, Project Camelot, Dec. 2008)
( "A Crystal Child Speaks Out," Sedona, Arizona, 2008. Wisdom Quarterly contacts many Earth "devas" or deva-like beings like this.
The akasha-deva Semjase
Project Camelot (PC) met Jessica Schab at the NEXUS Conference in Australia in October 2008. She was in tears at the end of PC presentation and said that she had to talk. A young Australian had seen her YouTube post and sponsored her trip from Vancouver, B.C. to Brisbane, Australia.

Realizing that it might be interesting and valuable to many, PC interviewed her as a "crystal child," a witness representing a new and very awakened generation. Like others (indigo children, starseeds, etc.) she is well informed, deeply concerned about world events, and very aware of the need for humankind to grow spiritually in order to transcend the problems we face together.
Lilou Mace follows up with Jessica Schab in 2011

Lilou Mace's Juicy Living Tour goes to Toronto, Canada in August 2011 and talks to Schab. "Soul archeology" is going inside to find our beautiful treasures of truth to live off of the abundance of our joy (like the luminous beings in the Ābhassara deva worlds, described by the Buddha, who feed on delight). We do what we love and live free because truth-wealth frees us. Even as the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming. If we tell the truth, we don't have to remember anything. We have immortal longings. (She interviewed and posted her talk with government time traveler Andrew Basiago, future US president, prior to his first appearance on Coast to Coast. See below).
Earth-deva Jessica Schab, (
In this 50-minute video, she speaks openly and emotionally about her personal journey, her family, and some of the bewildering other-dimensional, extraterrestrial encounters she has experienced.

Her weaknesses are her dyslexia and that she has not yet fully integrated her many experiences and perceptions. 

Human-deva Jessica Schab, crystal child
Her strengths are her openness and her determination to bring a message of unity to those who can hear it from her. She sees herself as a newly arrived teacher and messenger.
Like most of us she still has a long way to go in her journey, with much to learn. But this is why most of us are here. Many of us choose to help one others as best we can.

Lilou Mace's great first interview with Jessica Schab, Dec. 2009

Schab first to interview time traveler Andrew D. Basiago (Project Pegasus)

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