Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Buddhism around The World (audio)

CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; Marco Werman, PRI's "The World" (
Holding a glowing planet earth (NASA/
Buddhism and Islam in America
Dharma wheel (
Heated rhetoric swirls around the proposal to build an Islamic community center a few blocks from the new World Trade Center, on the site of the 9-11 false flag spectacle. Scott Kurashige sees a parallel to efforts to block Japanese immigrants from building Japanese Buddhist temples for their free religious expression in the United States around World War II.

Buddhism growing in Mexico
Waving Mexican flag for Cinco de Mayo 2013 (
Maya meditator (
The World's Lorne Matalon visits a touring display of ancient Tibetan relics in Mexico City and reports on how Buddhism is gaining popularity in mostly-Catholic Mexico.

The religions' message of "inner peace" is attracting attention -- as are the traveling relics tour. Former Mexican ambassador to India... as well as visits by the Dalai Lama and the existence of Casa Tibet ("Tibet House")...

Finding balance: Buddhism and modern life in China
In China, the government is becoming more open to its people embracing Buddhism and Buddhist principles. But when it comes to the Dali Lama and Tibet (or as the Chinese government thinks of it, the autonomous Tibetan region), things are more restricted and draconian than ever. 
Buddhism and modern life in Bhutan
Thimpu, Bhutan (
The Himalayan Buddhist kingdom of Bhutan is rapidly modernizing. But it is also actively trying to retain its Buddhist spiritual base. The World's Mary Kay Magistad delivers the second piece in her two-part series on balancing Buddhism with the modern world. 

The roots of Buddhism? A recent discovery digs them up, literally
The Takeaway (Nov. 27, 2013)
The early origins of Buddhism aren't well known. But a preservation effort in Nepal may have stumbled upon new clues on the earliest roots of Buddhism. [Of course, much older roots exist in modern day Afghanistan, the site of the real Kapilavastu.]

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