Wednesday, September 21, 2016

International Day of Peace (Sept. 21st)

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly;; Roots in Peace

The International Day of Peace was created by the UN, a global observance by hundreds of millions people and thousands of organizations each year on September 21st. The music and images in this video entertain and provide a message of hope.

International Peace Pagoda (Andrea Grasso)
"The people of the world have asked us to shine a light on a future of promise and opportunity. Member States have responded with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development... It is an end poverty in all its forms. An agenda for the planet, our common home. An agenda for shared prosperity, peace, and partnership."
— UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon
From education to the arts, social justice to sports, health to the environment, neighborhood issues to service for others, there are many ways to participate in Peace Day! People are invited to create a public or private activity related to peace to help to spread the mental intention, heart vibration, and verbal expression about Peace Day and/or attend a community event. LEARN MORE
Taking a stand for peace means taking a stand for justice because Black Lives Matter (AP)

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