Saturday, April 29, 2017

Trump 100 days, climate policies PROTESTS

Associated Press (, 4/29/17); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly
What the h*ll is going on with these protesters? This is a lot harder than I thought it'd be.

WASHINGTON, DC - Thousands of people across the U.S. are marching on Pres. Trump's hundredth day in office to demand action on climate change.
In Washington, D.C., large crowds on Saturday made their way down Pennsylvania Avenue in sweltering heat. They planned to encircle the White House.
This climate change business is b*llsh*t!
Organizers say about 300 other protest marches are expected around the country.

Participants in the Peoples Climate March say they're objecting to Trump's rollback of restrictions on mining, oil drilling and greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants, among other things.
FRANCE-ANIMAL-ORCASIn Augusta, Maine, protesters outside the statehouse said they wanted to draw attention to the damage climate change can cause marginalized communities. A demonstration stretched for several blocks in downtown Tampa, Florida, where marchers said they were concerned about the threat rising seas pose to the city. More

LA Peace Parades mark 25 anniversary of LA Rebellion of 1992 (AP/

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