Thursday, May 18, 2017

Cyclops; Contact in the Desert (Coast to Coast)

Pat Macpherson, Pfc. Sandoval, Wisdom Quarterly;
Contact in the Desert (UFO/ET Conference), Joshua Tree, California, May 19-22, 2017

Contact in the Desert
Joshua Tree Retreat Center, May 19-22, 2017
On Saturday, May 20th, military-trained radio stooge George Noory will host a special luncheon then "moderate" (i.e., bumble through) a panel on the evidence for ancient aliens from 2:30-4:00 pm. Info/Tickets
VIDEO: Cyclops goat born on Earth

A village in India is buzzing over the birth of a remarkable one-eyed goat that some residents have taken to calling a "miracle."
The unlikely cyclops was born on May 10th in the Indian state of Assam and instantly captured the attention and imagination of villagers there.

Along with its jaw-dropping singular eye, the baby goat was also born with only one ear, making the unfortunate creature truly a sight to behold.

A baby goat with one enlarged eye has been born in Assam, India. The kid was born on May 10th and has baffled local villagers. Vets predicted that it would die within a few days but he has defied expectations and stayed alive. Videographer/Director Rima Sharma, Producers Haziq Qadri, Nick Johnson; Editor Marcus Cooper. Barcroft TV

Although veterinarians suggested that the goat, which is stricken with a condition known as "cyclopia," would only live for a few days, it has managed to survive so far, much to the amazement of local residents. 
And as word of the unique creature spread throughout the area, people have begun flocking to the village to see the one-eyed goat, including some who actually worship it.

For his part the owner of the animal sees the goat as a profound blessing because the creature has attracted so much attention and made his family "famous."
Despite all that it appears that the one-eyed goat still has no name, although "Cy" and "Wink" would probably work. Source: Daily Mail

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