Monday, May 1, 2017

May Day marches in Los Angeles and USA

Seth Auberon, Pat Macpherson, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Leslie Berestein Rojas (SCPR); AP
Thousands expected in Downtown LA (DTLA) for May Day march (KPCC)
How did May Day become a day for immigrant rights marches
(SCPR) The day known as International Workers' Day (May 1) around the world is marked in the U.S. as a time for demonstrators to take to the streets for immigrant rights. The first May Day march for immigration in Los Angeles took place in May 2000. Since then the size and scope of the march has expanded. AUDIO
Tens of thousands take to the streets against Trump on May Day 2017 (AP)
US ready to rally against Trump, for workers
NEW YORK - Hundreds of teachers picketed outside Philadelphia schools early Monday (May 1) as [hundreds of] thousands more union members and immigrants and supporters across the United States prepared a series of strikes, boycotts, and marches to protest Pres. Trump's immigration policies. More

May Day rally in Los Angeles, May 1, 2016, file photo (Susanica Tam/KPCC/

Students to stay home, farmworkers to march for Cesar Chavez

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