Sunday, September 24, 2017

World fails to end, God to blame (video)

I. Rony, Wisdom Quarterly; Seth MacFarlane (American Dad); Emil Prince; WoodwardTV
(American Dad) "Rapture's Delight" Part 1/5. This is the best treatment of the Judeo-Christian "Rapture" and confused interpretations of fundamentalists ever.
The Simpsons makes a prediction for Sept. 23 2017. Do the math like Emil Prince did on Sept. 14, 2017: 3+1+5 = 9 05/18 is 5+18 = 23. See, it's easy. Whatever it's supposed to mean.

Poor God, He can't get a break. Bible decoders can't straighten out the mess of the massively modified, expurgated, abridged, mistranslated, redacted, defootnoted collection of ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Bedouin, and Jewish texts. Where's the Apocrypha when you need it?

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