Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A very vegan Thanksgiving, Los Angeles (video)

Amber Larson, CC Liu (FB), Wisdom Quarterly; Dave Rubin; eUSAToday; WUTC; In' Empire

Compassionate vegans on the West Coast
Did you know about Los Angeles' LONGEST RUNNING Thanksgiving Day VEGAN tradition? It's a two-decade long vegan potluck. It is promoted by many outlets and always has hundreds of happy, hungry attendees. Invite your friends and family.

Even vegetarians and non-vegans are welcome and encouraged to attend. It's LA's biggest vegan potluck event of the year. Help plan it (email: veganla2013@gmail.com). Come share delicious food, desserts, drinks and connect with beautiful people. Enjoy the outdoor environment. There will be music, live performances, and an open mic. Feel free to bring drums, musical instruments, a Frisbee, or ball... More
Can you believe we get to meet Trump? - Yeah, I just wish the others were here (EUSA)
Public event. Free/no fee, but please see details below to know what to bring to participate. No alcohol (park rules). 

Everyone attending, please bring a VEGAN ready-to-serve dish to share that will serve at least 8-10 people. Prepare it or buy it at Whole Foods. For example, if there are two people in your party, please bring 16-20 servings. What does "vegan" mean? It means animal-free -- no meat, fish, eggs, milk, dairy, or honey -- no animal products at all.
Organic, chemical-free, non-GMO foods are encouraged. Cooked or raw vegan food is welcome. There will be a space designated for raw food. Please be conscientious about your dish seeing that every ingredient is 100% vegan. If raw, make sure (pasteurized foods, commercially canned, and most jarred food are not raw).

What if turkeys rose up and did not tolerate being raised for slaughter then murdered?
Please bring an INGREDIENT LIST to help those with allergies. Prevent paper and plastic waste: please bring your own utensils, plates, bowls, cups, fork/spoon, and serving utensils.

WHEN: Gather at 11:00 AM for a beautiful opening circle at noon then we feast!

WHERE: Rancho Park
MAP, Culver City, Los Angeles (westside). Enter Cheviot Hills Park (aka Rancho Park) at the north entrance on Motor Ave. (first entrance south of Pico Blvd.) Enter parking area on the left. Drive past this parking area and follow the road to the next parking area, which is a few hundred feet down. Walk to the picnic tables across the grass and behind the baseball field. "VEG" signs will be posted to point the way.  (There is another picnic area at the far end and close to the parking lot that is not our picnic area).

Trump pardons turkeys then eat red meat
We were told we'd be spared slaughter and set free by an orange man. True or a joke?

    Selfie before the slaughter? - Pardon us.
    Two white Minnesota-raised turkeys visited the White House for the annual white turkey pardoning ceremony by white Pres. Trump. Now that they won't be slaughtered (because "Meat is murder") they get to have names, Wishbone and Drumstick. 
    Hold it in! If you poop here, they may kill us.
    The duo’s names were announced Monday at the Willard Hotel, the lavish property where the birds currently have a suite, which is located just a block down Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House. Why all the hubbub over some "dumb" birds? It makes it easier to kill the rest of them, neither seen nor heard and certainly without names.

    This joyous event makes it possible to look at ourselves in the best possible light as forgiving and magnanimous when we raise hundreds of millions of birds for slaughter just for this one day -- to say nothing of the countless cows, chickens, pigs, and fish that are destroyed with half of them going to complete waste ending up as trash not food.

    And here we thought the Brahmin Hindus of Nepal were brutal for promoting the mass slaughter of animals at the gruesome (and surely demon-inspired) Gadhimai festival.

    The unbelievable demon fest worshiping or appeasing Gadhimai: 250,000 animals slaughtered in one place as quickly as possible, over a day or two. Buddha Boy, Wisdom Quarterly, and activists stood against it. Now banned but still going on underground as in the US.
    White turkey pecks a white D--- (Bush)
    Chairman Carl Wittenburg of the National Turkey Foundation, who raised the birds, said Wishbone and Drumstick were selected from a flock of 80 for "their character, their temperament, their showmanship, and how they looked strutting their stuff."

    [And the fact that they're ostentatiously white is a complete coincidence with no bearing on their pardon. All of the rest of the birds, some of whom are also white, will be slaughtered]. More

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