Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Oil company secrets; depression, anxiety

Johann Hari, Lindsey Williams ( Jan. 24, 2018); Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Minister Lindsey Williams obtained executive access to secret oil company documents as a chaplain to the workers building the Alaskan oil pipeline in the 1970s.
He shared his insider-knowledge (through a contact he's maintained from that era) of what the "Global Elite" have planned for the world.

The Elite or New World Order (NWO), he said, were quite confident that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, would easily defeat Don Trump. They were shocked when she lost. His victory was due to an intervention from "God," Williams asserts. Because of this, the NWO has been set back years from their agenda.
But now the Elite are using Trump's business-friendly policies to increase their wealth and power, says Williams, adding that they plan to "panic up" the stock market to around 35,000-40,000 before getting out prior to a big CRASH.

One of the best investments will be in America's oil production, which is far outpacing the Middle East, Williams claims, adding that according to his contact, there is enough natural gas and oil in parts of Alaska [because it is a toxic but abiotic "renewable resource" made in the earth, as the Nazis well understood and published in great detail and as the oil industry well knows] to supply the United States for 200 years.

Johann Hari on Depression, Anxiety, Addiction
"Crying Girl" (Roy Lichtenstein/
Research journalist for the Independent in London for over ten years Johann Hari discussed the current epidemic of depression.

Depression is NOT generally caused by a "chemical imbalance," Hari's research revealed, and that's why pharmaceutical antidepressants either don't work or stop working [when the strong placebo effect wears off] for patients, as it soon did for Hari when he was prescribed Paxil as a teen.

Hari found nine main causes for depression and anxiety: two of them biological and the other seven related to the way we live, that is, to lifestyle choices.

Some of these conditions, he points out, are increasing in our society. The main one is loneliness, a sense of isolation in our allegedly more connected world. On top of that, there's lack of meaning and lack of authentic connection.
One of the most significant sources of mental health problems come from people's employment. A survey indicates that 24% of workers hate their jobs, and 63% are just sleepwalking through them. A full 87% are dissatisfied.

Only 13% actually like and look forward to doing their job. Sure, it may be nice to have work, but how much nicer it would be to have work we didn't hate?

A program in East London for depressed and/or anxious people went as follows. Instead of drugs, they were asked to develop unutilized land, to do something with it. They were to decide what because it is exactly this sense of agency and choice that makes work meaningful.

They also connected with each other in this project, saw something get accomplished, and they got feedback from others. They chose to create a garden -- without any of them knowing how to garden. So they had to learn.

It was successful as a community garden and in turning their lives around, Hari found, as was a similar experiment in Norway that was said to be twice as effective as antidepressant drugs.

If it's a surprise that depressed or anxious people are not crazy, that these symptoms are not signs of craziness, Hari remarked, it's because this is neither reported by the drug companies nor by the mainstream media. What is depression? "[It's] a sign that your deepest needs are not being met." More + AUDIO

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