Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sex at the Cult of "Shambhala Buddhism"

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly; Ananda M., Jen B. (Dharma Meditation Initiative)
And by "heart" I, of course, mean my crotch with paid ally Zen angel Kyodo here.
That's my boy! Predatory like his sexy dad.
UPDATE: Buddhist leader steps aside pending sexual misconduct... (, 7/6/2018, 9:20 PM ET): Prominent "SHAMbhala Buddhist" teacher, author, lineage-holder [His Holiness the Reverend] Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, the leader of Shambhala International... 

Leaked notes reveal Buddhist leader coerced female students into... Stories of drunken parties and sexual misconduct are emerging from his...Buddhist teacher and author Sakyong Mipham, had coercive sexual... 

Shambhala leadership council resigns; names investigator of sexual... ( The report featured detailed first-person stories by three women alleging sexual assault and clergy sexual abuse committed by Sakyong...

The Los Angeles Chapter of Shambhala
Report alleges sexual misconduct by leader of Shambhala... Buddhist "Project Sunshine" [to shed disinfectant light and add transparency] released its second report today, containing allegations of sexual assault and clergy sexual misconduct by Sakyong... 

Shambhala head Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche Accused of Sexual... (, June 28, 2018) The Buddhist leader apologizes for inappropriate relationships as multiple women allege sexual assault in an independent investigation.

Let us "celebrate" the leader's/Sakyong's downfall like Pema Chodron and Chogyam advise
The great Pema Chodron is part of Shambhala
Buddhist group investigating sexual misconduct claims against... ( Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche (left) is seen on his wedding day in...into sexual misconduct allegations against its Halifax-based spiritual leader. 

Links relevant to the current crisis in Shambhala International... (, June 30, 2018 The current allegations against Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche are detailed ... Use Common Sense: Khandro Rinpoche about Sexual Abuse by... 

Report details alleged sexual assault and misconduct by Sakyong... ( On June 28, Buddhist Project Sunshine published their second report detailing sexual assault and sexual misconduct allegations directed at [the leader of Shambhala]... 

Buddhist group to investigate sexual misconduct claims against... ( [Investigation] into sexual misconduct allegations against its Halifax-based spiritual leader....Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche...

Boulder's Naropa University removes Shambhala International... ( Boulder's Naropa University this week removed Sakyong Mipham...of sexual misconduct against the leader of Shambhala International...

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