Thursday, September 27, 2018

LIAR: Kavanaugh's felony lies (video)

CBS News, live coverage; Editors, Wisdom Quarterly

Look at Thurs, July 1, 1982 for day of attack.
Lying to the Senate is a felony. Judge B.M. Kavanaugh was asked by the right honorable Senator Kamala Harris (a brilliant Black Native American from California), Did you watch Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's testimony? No, he answered. This is a demonstrable lie as attested to by a photo of him watching it and the testimony of the person who took the photo who saw him watching it. Of course, he lied more than that about much bigger things. He lied about blackout drinking. He lied about never being at such parties when his own calendar shows a gathering quite like that (Thursday, July 1, 1982).

But as he well knows as a judge, a lie in one thing may be taken to mean a lie in all things, as another senator reminded him is often the instruction to juries. Why did he lie? Why not? He was prepared to lie about any and everything to get himself on the supreme court. He lied to the world. He lied to his victims. He lied to his God with his parents in the room. Hypocrite. He does not have the judicial temperament to serve on SCOTUS, in addition to being a felon, a gang rapist, a blackout drinker, a skilled liar, an angry and belligerent and disrespectful sober person.
Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford full testimonies before the Senate Judiciary Committee

CBS News, streamed live on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018)
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers, both testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. Ford said during her testimony that she was "100 percent" sure that Kavanaugh assaulted her, while Kavanaugh said that he was "100 percent" sure he had not done anything of the kind. The differences are irreconcilable. After the full day of dramatic testimony, Kavanaugh's supporters in the Senate were largely ready to move forward with his confirmation vote, though a few key senators remained undecided Thursday night as his confirmation hangs in the balance. The Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation Friday. For a full recap: CBSN live:

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