Thursday, January 10, 2019

5 Tips: Altered states to explore consciousness

William Buhlman, Monroe Institute, 12/18; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

We have a choice; we can accept old fear-based beliefs and limit ourselves or empower ourselves to become effective explorers. Choose well.

As an OBE (out of body experience) trainer for decades, I have seen and addressed many issues concerning OBEs, the vibrational state, and sleep paralysis.

Regrettably, we live in a society that spreads false narratives and beliefs related to the exploration of consciousness and the associated energy phenomena.

For over 2,000 years the collective consciousness of humanity has been saturated and manipulated with the belief of an external "evil" force, such as demons and devils.

Sadly, many millions of people continue to accept this archaic, fear-based belief as a reality in their lives. For example, stories continue that some manmade “evil entity” can attack us while we are asleep or in an altered state.

As active explorers of consciousness, we must rise above the old myths that restrict our progress and develop the mindset that empowers us to obtain the truth of our existence.
An empowered positive mindset is our greatest asset during all explorations of consciousness.

During all explorations of consciousness, our mindset is everything. Recognize that during all inner journeys we are entering a highly thought-responsive state of consciousness.

It's essential to realize that we are never objective observers during altered states. Instead, we are active and creative participants in all our experiences.

All thoughts and emotions we hold -- positive and negative, conscious and subconscious -- are creative energy projections influencing our perception.

As any experienced explorer knows, our fears are the greatest single barrier to confront during our inner explorations.

Our initial reaction to energetic events will often shape the perceptions of our entire experience. A calm, knowledgeable, positive , and prepared reaction to the vibrational state and sleep paralysis is essential to initiate effective exploration.

I absolutely love the vibrational state and sleep paralysis because they are a clear indication that I’m ready to explore. I look forward to these energy events. They are friends and allies.

The vibrational state is a positive, energetic announcement that we’re ready to explore. Surrender to and enjoy all of the energy events, and remain calm.

Follow my preset exit procedures: “Roll now! Door now!”  -- no analysis, just an automatic calm response to all vibrational events.
Five Tips
Here are five proven strategies that work for me and others during our inner explorations. These are how to effectively respond to altered states, the vibrational state, sleep paralysis, and OBEs. (This applies to all methods of inner exploration including DMT-stimulated ones):

1) An empowered positive mindset is our greatest asset during all explorations of consciousness. Remain calm during all shifts of consciousness, and embrace the creative power of your subconscious mind. Fully accept your unlimited ability to explore beyond your physical limits and create your reality in all situations. An empowered mindset raises your personal vibrational frequency and your state of consciousness, propelling you beyond the influence of any potential lower astral wildlife.
2) Recognize that sleep paralysis, the vibrational state, and OBEs are completely natural events. My over 40 years of out-of-body experiences confirms to me that there is nothing to fear. Reject the fear-based beliefs that saturate the collective consciousness. Our personal fears remain the greatest block in all aspects of life’s endeavors including the exploration of consciousness and self-initiated OBEs. Embrace the love of the adventure and reject all manmade fear.  
3) Remain calm and surrender during sleep paralysis or the vibration state. Never analyze, mentally resist, focus on your body, or fear the event.  One strategy is this: Go with the energy flow as you imagine you are immersed in and surrounded by positive thoughts and love. When we react calmly and effectively to these energy events they become our personal launch pad for exploration. Also, pay no attention to unusual sounds or images that may manifest; they are a diversion of the mind. Remain focused on your positive intention to explore beyond your physical limits.
4) Focus and direct your complete attention to a location away from your body, “Door now!” Make this a silent affirmation for immediate results. My backup move is to mentally roll out of my body and direct myself away from my body.  (It’s similar to rolling in a sleeping bag.)

5) NEVER think about or focus on your physical body during the vibrational state or sleep paralysis. When we focus on our body, we lock ourselves within it! During all altered states completely own your creative power and expect positive results. Silently repeat, "Awareness now!" to enhance your perception and mobility capabilities.
Remember, we have a choice; we can accept old fear-based beliefs and limit ourselves or empower ourselves to become effective explorers. Choose well. More

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