Friday, January 4, 2019

Meditation: FREE two daylong sits (Jan. 5-6)

Ellie Askew, Ananda M. (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Kick the new year off right with a relaxation and respite in the new Nature Meditation Center (former site of "Christ Extended Hand Church"). This weekend will feature two full days of Buddhist practices. Excellent for beginners, with instruction provided. Learn meditation and get to practice it together.
  • Start 9:00 am and end 5:00 pm each day.
  • Includes field trip to local nature spot.
This starts 2019 with an insightful weekend, sharing the present moment together. Dharma talks, sitting and walking meditation, discussion, Q&A. VISIT FULL TIME OR DROP IN FOR ANY PART OF IT. FREE vegan and non-vegan lunch options, snacks, and drinks provided. Text Ellie for more information: (951) 457-2071.

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