Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Board of Vatican women's magazine quits

Associated Press (ap.org); Seth Auberon, Crystal Q., CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly
We worship the Patriarchy, Father, please take us to heaven! Current Pope Francis excitedly caresses a male child as he leaves the Basilica of Our Lady of Loreto, where he celebrated mass and prayed in the shrine containing a small house traditionally venerated as the house of Mary, believed miraculously transplanted from the Holy Land inside the Basilica, in central Italy, during a one-day visit, March 25, 2019. The pope chose Loreto to sign the Post-Synodal Exhortation of last October's Synod of Bishops [about their sexual activity and horrifying level of hypocrisy homosexually raping children and abusing others such as nuns] (AP).
APNewsBreak: Founder, board of Vatican women's magazine quit
VATICAN CITY, Holy See (not Rome) - The founder and [the] all-female editorial board of the Vatican's women's magazine have quit.

They did so after what they say was a Vatican campaign to discredit them and put them "under the direct control of men," which only increased after they denounced the [rape and] sexual abuse of nuns by clergy [priests and other Catholic Church officials].
The editorial committee of "Women Church World," a monthly glossy published alongside the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano ["The Holy Roman Empire Observer"], made the announcement in the planned April 1 [April Fools?] editorial and in an open letter to Pope Francis that was provided Tuesday to the Associated Press.
Francis"We are throwing in the towel because we feel surrounded by a climate of distrust and progressive de-legitimization," founder Ms. Lucetta Scaraffia wrote in the editorial, which went to the printers last week but hasn't been published.

Scaraffia told the AP that the decision was taken after the new editor of L'Osservatore, Mr. Andrea Monda, told her earlier this year he would take over as editor.

She said he reconsidered after the editorial board threatened to resign and the Catholic weeklies that distribute translations of "Women Church World" in France, Spain, and Latin America told her they would stop distributing.

"After the attempts to put us under control, came the indirect attempts to delegitimze us," she said, citing other women brought in to write for L'Osservatore "with an editorial line opposed to ours."

The effect, she said, was to "obscure our words, delegitimizing us as a part of the Holy See's communications."

There was no immediate comment Tuesday from the Vatican. Ms. Scaraffia launched the monthly insert in 2012 and oversaw its growth into a stand-alone Vatican magazine as a voice for women, by women, and about issues of interest to the entire Catholic Church.

"Women Church World" had enjoyed editorial independence from L'Osservatore, even while being published under its auspices.

In the final editorial the editorial board said the "conditions no longer exist" to continue working with L'Osservatore, citing its initiatives with other women contributors.

"They are returning to the practice of selecting women who ensure obedience," the editorial read. "They are returning to clerical self-reference and are giving up that 'parresia' (freedom to speak freely) that Pope Francis so often seeks." More

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