Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Jane Elliott: How can we NOT be racist?

Jane Elliot, Sincere Ignorance; Crystal Q., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly\

Jane Elliott is a former third-grade schoolteacher, American anti-racism activist, and educator, as well as a feminist and LGBT activist. She is known for her "Blue eyes–Brown eyes" exercise." Here Jane goes on Oprah trying to educate the audience on how many white Americans fail to comprehend about how our implicit (subconscious) bias on race, which is a social construct, can have on society and race relations.

Jane Elliott -- internationally known teacher, lecturer, diversity trainer, and recipient of the National Mental Health Association Award for Excellence in Education -- exposes prejudice and bigotry for what it is, an rational class system based on arbitrary factors. If we think this does not apply to us, we are in for a rude awakening. Make requests at sincereignorance.com, which is about education, economics, entertainment, and social activism through the lenses of the African diaspora. The main goal of the brand is not only to educate, but to collaborate and do business/commerce with other independent and urban businesses. All are welcome.

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