Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lovelock: Red-haired Giants of Nevada (video)

MegalithomaniaUK, July 26, 2018; Pfc. Sandoval, Xochtil, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly

Red-Haired Giants of Ancient Nevada
(MegalithomaniaUK, Part 1) Hugh Newman follows his and Jim Vieira's research in Giants On Record and visits the mysterious Lovelock Cave in northern Nevada.
Modern red-haired giant shot in Afghanistan
This is said to be where red-haired, cannibal giants once lived. They were killed off by the Paiute tribe hundreds of years ago, as written about by Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins.

The Paiutes battled with these giants, called the "Si-Te-Cah" (which translates as either "thigh-eaters" or "tule-eaters") because they were voracious cannibals, child abductors, and rapists.

Numerous mummified remains were discovered beginning in 1911 when digging for bat guano in Lovelock Cave. Over 20,000 giant artifacts were excavated. The earliest dating is at around 2,700 BC, but the site may be much older.

Local caves such as Hidden Cave and Spirit Cave have yielded dates as early as 7,400 BC. This video includes exclusive aerial footage and rare accounts from private journals and local news reports.

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