Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Native Americans: Moving Forward (March 26)

Eventbrite.com/e/reflectspace...; Dhr. Seven, Xochitl (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Moving Forward: Ideas, Images, and Policies
Erasure: Genocide (pamelajpeters.com)
This panel features leading Native American scholars, authors, and artists exploring ways to develop authentic native voices that can engender social and political change and create greater opportunities for future generations of American Indians. Entertainment by Tso Yanez. In conjunction with ReflectSpace exhibition: ERASURE: NATIVE AMERICAN GENOCIDE: A LEGACY. The legacy of the genocide of Native populations by the U.S. government and early settlers “remains hidden in plain sight” according to Dr. Benjamin Madley of UCLA.
“Erasure” at ReflectSpace Gallery addresses that history and its current-day impact through the work of Native artists whose work is sourced from personal histories and explorations of identity that subvert erasure. 
  • #Erasure #ReflectSpace #NativeAmerican #Genocide #NativeArtists #art #IndigenousArt

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