Thursday, April 11, 2019

US out to destroy Wikileaks' Julian Assange

Mediaite Staff; NBC News; April 11, 2019; Wisdom Quarterly

(NBC News) "A Dark Day For Journalism": Wikileaks Editor-in-Chief on Julian Assange arrest.

(AFP) Edward Snowden has something to say about illegal arrest.
( Bearded Julian Assange dragged out of Ecuadorian Embassy by police: Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London and arrested by police, seven years after he first took refuge to avoid extradition to Sweden over an alleged sexual assault. In the dramatic scene caught on video, Assange appears bearded and disheveled as he’s dragged down the steps of the embassy and into a waiting police van. According to U.K. police, Assange was arrested for failing to surrender to the court. Scotland Yard also confirmed that Assange was arrested on behalf of an extradition request from the United States. The opportunity to take Assange into custody came after Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno said the country withdrew Assange’s asylum for repeatedly violating its terms. Wikileaks protested the decision on Twitter, declaring it a “violation of international law.” Watch via RT. More + VIDEO

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