Sunday, June 30, 2019

Women's Wisdom: Red Tent Los Angeles

Red Tent Los Angeles; Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
"Sisterhood"? We're all competing. This is war. This is hell. This is what we make it.

The Red Tent is a gathering of women. It is filled with ritual and storytelling in celebration of our bodies, our sisterhood, and our feminine power.

We meet monthly around the new moon, symbolizing the time when the feminine was honored, when women came to a "menstrual hut" to support each other, share personal stories, and gain collective wisdom.

Why women need a tribe (Red Tent)
In the Red Tent, we honor ourselves, the red rhythmic thread that flows through our wombs, our ability to give birth, and the ecstatic nature of our sexual pleasure.

We celebrate our tears, our intuition, the natural wonder of our cycles, and our Divine uniqueness. We come together to share our feminine power, the joy of our successes, our sacred vulnerability, and our essential connection of sisterhood.

We are recovering the lost tradition of women sharing timeless wisdom! Join the mailing list and receive the Red Tent Newsletter and a “bring a friend free” coupon. Plus instantly receive a free copy of your New Moon Journal, a GIFT designed to connect you with the creativity and personal power your moon cycle offers. More

Founder, Sex Educator

From Southern belle to seminarian to sexual educator, Founder Greta Hassel Grace is a licensed marriage and family therapist (MFT) and intimacy coach. Her Master’s degrees in divinity and psychology serve as the foundation of a continuing education that includes the lifelong study of modern psychology, ancient wisdom, and sacred sexuality.

Individual sessions available on a boat, a beach, or even in an office. Greta: 310.818.1473,, PO Box 11293, Marina del Rey, CA 90295

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