Saturday, July 13, 2019

Burma: "Buddhist Extremists" (Daily Show)

Daily Show w/Trevor Noah; BBC; Atlantic; S.Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Buddhist Burma: No homecoming for Muslim Rohingyas
How Aung San Suu Kyi lost her way (Atlantic)
In Burma’s Rakhine state, hundreds of new houses have been handed over to families displaced by the state's violence against the Muslim minority Rohingya population crisis in 2017 when many were chased into neighboring Muslim Bangladesh. But none of these homes were for the Muslim minority group. Almost two years on, there’s no sign the 700,000 Rohingyas who fled across the border to Bangladesh will be returning anytime soon. The Burmese government continues to deny its military troops carried out ethnic cleansing and genocide. The BBC's Myanmar (Burma) Correspondent Nick Beake has gained rare access to the affected part of Rakhine state. More

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