Friday, July 19, 2019

NEW: Recovery Dharma: 12 Steps (survey)

Recovery Dharma; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Crystal Q. (eds.)Wisdom Quarterly
Recovery Dharma is reaching out with love, hope, and deep gratitude, excited for the momentum they’re building together. They want to hear from YOU!

Complete this survey, and be a part of building Recovery Dharma!

The Refuge Recovery Annual International Conference (#RefCon5) just wrapped, and hearts are FULL. It was a lively, heartfelt space of community connection, support, and clarification on what this transitional time at Refuge Recovery means for its sangha (spiritual community) at large. They came together, unified as one, and celebrated the Buddhist path of recovery. They also honored the challenges the sangha faces at this moment, all with full heart.

If you attended, THANK YOU for being present and committing to wise speech and wise action while navigating this challenging and hopeful time together. If not, you were held in their hearts in Chicago.

Recovery Dharma and Refuge Recovery World Services at #RefCon5 both had the opportunity to address the community, each sharing the vision driving their efforts and organizational structures.
Recovery Dharma has been described by some in the community as a “break-away” group. And you know what? It is.

They broke away because they had a different vision for Refuge Recovery. They are eager to start something new, a TRULY peer-led, democratically-organized, grassroots movement. They are building an organization from the ground up, a collaborative effort led by members. They are committed to financial integrity and transparency.

They will follow no leader. Rather, they will trust in the wisdom of the Dharma and in each individual’s own potential for recovery and awakening. They do so guided by LOVE and a fierce commitment to support people who want to recover using Buddhist principles and practices.

If anyone is called to the mission and the recovery approach of Recovery Dharma, they are eagerly invited to join these collective efforts by participating in the first survey:

Complete the survey and have your voice heard TODAY.

(Hurry! Deadline to complete the first survey is Wednesday, July 24th @ midnight PST)

This survey is seeking YOUR invaluable input on how to build Recovery Dharma’s mission, governance, and activities. The survey addresses the following key questions:
  • How do you want the Board of Directors elected?
  • Do you want a democratic process for governance?
  • How do you envision meditation fitting into the mission of the organization?
  • Which ways would you like the national organization to support local sanghas
  • And more!
As Amy Reed, a member of the Recovery Dharma transition circle, said at #RefCon5, “This is a path of empowerment, not powerlessness. And we are empowered now to build something from the ground up, defined by us, as a collective of beautifully flawed and suffering human beings.”

Again, if anyone is called to Recovery Dharma, you are invited to join the conversation and complete the survey today. (Deadline to submit is July 24th @ midnight PST.)

You are invited to join the collective of beautifully flawed and suffering human beings who are building a Buddhist path of recovery within the ethos of democracy, peer-leadership, and grassroots organizing.

Recovery Dharma supports and honors all that may be arising for you during this time, whether it is grief, sadness, joy, excitement, anger, or optimism.

No one is being asked to take a side. Finding the path that’s right for YOU is the MOST important thing. The bottom line is we all deserve a sangha in which we can feel supported and cared for as we do this brave work of recovery and healing. You are encouraged to identify what that means for you.

Thank you for your commitment to recovery and for bravely walking this path.

-- Recovery Dharma Transition Circle

P.S. On Thursday, July 18, starting at 7:00 pm Pacific and 10:00 pm Eastern, RD will be holding the second of two Sangha Town Halls to continue the conversation about Recovery Dharma and this transitional time within Refuge Recovery. It will be an opportunity for everyone to ask questions and discuss the present and future of Recovery Dharma. This call is meant to be informational and supportive and is open to all interested.

Join Zoom Meeting:

One tap mobile
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Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 703 132 748

Mailing address:
Refuge Recovery
2000 NE 42nd St., # 204
Portland, OR 97213-1305

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