Friday, September 6, 2019

Two kinds of porn with Jessi Klein (video)

Jessi Klein, Host John Oliver (Comedy Central); Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
WARNING: Sexual subject matter, adult situations, modern dating, and gender difference ironies!

Two types of porn
Observant comedian Jessi Klein thinks guys are being way too informed by internet-porn and women by female Hollywood romance-"porn." Men are being trained to expect too much, way too much, but women have strange socially-acceptable fantasies.

I'm no ho, but I'd work there.
It's NoHo versus HoHo, the former being the world's porn-production capital, the latter being the world's second biggest fantasy-factory behind Bollywood.

Klein asks why it’s a faux pas to buy herself a diamond ring. Instead, she has to wait for a man to buy it for her. Would men ever live like this? Would they fall in love with a widescreen TV then, instead of buying it, waiting for a woman to find them and fall in love with them to get it?

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