Thursday, October 3, 2019

Free mindfulness meditation at UCLA

Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Jen, Wisdom Quarterly;

Free vegan pizza day from Califlower, UCLA
Free meditation sessions are available every M, T, W, and Th. See (

Mindful Awareness (sati, presence) is the moment-by-moment process of openly accepting and observing our physical, emotional, and mental experiences without clinging, resisting, or reacting with delusion to them.

Mindfulness, which the Buddha called sati in Pali and smrti in Sanskrit, has scientific support. It is a means of reducing stress, improving attention, boosting mood and the immune system, reducing emotional reactivity, and promoting general health and well-being.

Drop-in sessions are led by Diana Winston, Dr. Marvin Belzer, and teachers trained at MARC (Mindful Awareness Research Center). Sessions are open to EVERYONE interested in learning how to live life more in the "present." More/RSVP
  • Mondays: Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Rm 1109, Level 1, 757 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles
  • Tuesdays: Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center 1250 16th Street, Auditorium, #G340, Santa Monica
  • Wednesdays: UCLA main library, 2nd floor, Powell Library East Rotunda
  • Thursdays: Hammer Museum, Billy Wilder Theater, 10899 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
Check (under "Free Drop-in Meditation") for latest changes to the schedule BEFORE attending.

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