Sunday, October 27, 2019

UCLA: Mindful Forgiveness (MARC)

Diana Winston (,,; Ananda (Dharma Meditation Initiative), Dhr. Seven, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Cultivating Forgiveness with Diana Winston
MARC (UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center) has teamed up with Mindful Magazine to present a new online course: "Cultivating Forgiveness."

In this class Diana Winston guides participants on a journey of forgiveness -- a journey that includes forgiving others and ourselves. Winston teaches with empathy, kindness, and gentleness, encouraging practitioners to release the pain, anger, and self-blame that we may be holding in our hearts to find a renewed sense of inner-release and freedom.

Over five weeks, starting Oct. 28, the course will explore the following themes:
  • Week 1: What is Forgiveness? Discover new concepts and the benefits of forgiveness.
  • Week 2: Forgiving Others. Learn practical tools to let go of anger and resentment.
  • Week 3: Asking Forgiveness. Find out what's required to release shame and self-blame.
  • Week 4: Self-Forgiveness. Review the necessary steps to cultivate self-forgiveness.
  • Week 5: Moving Forward. Apply mindful strategies and connect to inner goodness.
Plus, register by October 28th to get exclusive access to live Q&As with Diana Winston and save 20% off course tuition!
  • UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
  • 740 Westwood Plaza, C8-237, L.A., CA 90095
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