Tuesday, October 1, 2019

White cop guilty of murder of black man

Associated Press, Oct. 2, 2019; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
This shouldn't be happening to me because I'm white, and he's black (AP).
Murderer/cheater sits alone and lonely (Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News via AP, pool)
Dallas cop who murdered neighbor found guilty of murder
Guns don't kill people. It's mainly the bullets.
DALLAS, Texas - A fired white Dallas police officer who murdered her black unarmed neighbor by shooting him to death in his apartment after, she said, mistaking his apartment for her own was convicted of murder today.

The verdict prompted tears of relief from the innocent victim's family [though he was "guilty" of being black and scary to the white armed officer aiming a gun at him as he ate ice cream on his couch in his own apartment] and chants of "black lives matter" from a crowd outside the courtroom.

Black lives matter...except to most police.
The same jury that found former Officer Amber Guyger, 31, guilty in the September 2018 murder of her upstairs neighbor, Mr. Botham Jean, 26, will consider her fate after hearing additional testimony that started Tuesday afternoon. Her sentence could range from five years to life in prison under Texas law.

A badge is not a license to kill anyone.
The jury took only a matter of hours to convict Guyger after six days of testimony. Cheers erupted in the courthouse as the verdict was announced, and someone yelled "Thank you, Jesus!" In the hallway outside the courtroom, a crowd celebrated and chanted "Black lives matter!" When the prosecutors walked into the hall, they broke into cheers. More
  • The murderer was carrying on an affair with another killer cop (unindicted), also on the Dallas force, whom she texted after the murder. She then sent a second text confessing that she really messed up. They then both colluded to destroy evidence of the murder, but he is not being charged, and it is unclear if his wife is leaving him either for being a killer or a cheater complicit in the cover up of another murder. 

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