Sunday, November 24, 2019

Lion and animal mummies found in Egypt

Luxor Times; Origins Explained; Dr. Ikram; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly

Exclusive: Details of animal mummies discovered in Egypt
(Luxor Times, Nov 23, 2019) Dr. Mostafa Waziry talks about the details of the discovery and shows the first, exclusive photos of the CT scan of one of the feline mummies, a complete lion body. Egyptians worshipped cats and a cat goddess who was a hybrid human.

Most incredible animal mummies ever discovered!
(Origins Explained) Check out the most incredible animal mummies with the most dull-witted presenter ever! Don't you think so? Let me know in the comments below. Just kidding! I'm mocking the dummy. This Top 10 list of mysterious mummified creatures from ancient Egypt has some amazing and incredible mummies! You can tell by the inflection of my voice!

Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt
I wanted to study cats in Egypt.
(Harvard Semitic Museum, Jan. 28, 2019) Visiting Distinguished Yale University Prof. Salima Ikram, Department of Sociology, Egyptology, and Anthropology, The American University in Cairo. The relationship between humans and animals is complex, with mutual dependencies that are practical, psychological, and even theological. Ancient Egyptian animal mummies are a particular manifestation of this web of interrelations.

Hideous pop singer transform into pretty cat.
Dr. Salima Ikram discussed different types of Egyptian animal mummies and explained how and why they were made, the theological and aesthetic decisions that went into their “packaging,” and what each type meant to the ancient Egyptians. She also illustrated how animal mummies shape perceptions of ancient Egypt and influence contemporary thought and art. Recorded Oct. 12, 2017.

Grand Canyon Egyptians: The Search for Kincaid's Cave

(The Slice #50, Feb. 10, 2016) G.E. Kincaid discovered Buddha statues, Hindu artifacts, Egyptian-style mummies and artifacts, including a sword in a cave in the Grand Canyon more than a century ago. It was reported in the Arizona Gazette, a publication in the state the Grand Canyon runs though. The Smithsonian removed and hid away all of the artifacts, covered the entrance, then buried all references to and knowledge of it and to this day denies it ever happened. It is now illegal to explore or enter any cave in the national park without express permission in writing in advance. Presentation of a year's worth of research compiled into one video rather than a scientific paper or popular magazine article. There is enough information from both Kincaid's and John Wesley Powell's journals to determine a location. There are several mentions of the cave's contents from other witnesses. Check out the results of this investigation. P.S. The racist rebel flag is NOT a declaration of Southern anything, nor is it intended to be present with racist intent. Flags were there for another video about U.S. flags over time.

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