Friday, January 31, 2020

Ajahn Brahm: Australia burning (live)

Ajahn Brahm (BSWA, Jan. 31, 2020 live stream); Amber Larson, Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly

Live Dhamma Talk, January 31, 2020
(Buddhist Society of Western Australia) Bush fires of Australia? It's not the first time. Corona virus? It's not the first time mass panic is being spread about a contagious virus when the common flu kills many more every year, and vaccines do even more harm in terms of morbidity (see Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe), because we are reacting in fear. Funny and kind, Ajahn Brahm is a British monk trained at Cambridge who ordained in the Theravada Buddhist Thai forest tradition under Ajahn Chah. Support the BSWA in making teachings available for free online via Recorded at Dhammaloka Buddhist Centre, Perth, Western Australia.

This live Dharma talk culminates with a Chinese New Year performance and blessing.

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