Tuesday, January 28, 2020

HELL: Lance on ACID, war, disease (video)

Pfc. Sandoval, Dhr. Seven, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; U5; Apocalypse Now
Where did lance get that puppy, and why did he drop a tab of acid during a war? See next scene.

What! That's what war is like?
Then there are the personal "hells," the hellish things we experience individually even when those around us are not suffering. Hallucinogenic drugs are one way to drop into such worlds, and insanity is a far worse way.

The karma of drunkenness, whether episodic abuse or chronic addiction (alcoholism), can lead to rebirth as a tormented insane person, if one is so fortunate as to find rebirth on the human plane at all rather than in the realm of hungry ghosts (peta loka) or animals.

Hey, teens, it's the "glory" of war: fear, self-preservation, policing, murder...
Desperation, ego, human stupidity, just more horror. "I told you not to stop."

Why be an Engaged Buddhist? Just relax.
Wherever one reappears, karma is right there with us, our best friend or worst enemy.

Like a shadow, it never departs. Like a weighted down bullocks cart, we tow it along. Karma, light and pleasant or heavy and unpleasant, is dragged along.

Therefore, all our karma (intentional actions) now will greatly help or hinder us in the future. That future begins right now. It conditions the past and present and the world(s) to come.

There are Ten Courses of Wholesome Action. These are good to learn and incredibly beneficial in any of the three periods of time: past, present, and future.

I like war, Bibi. - Me too, Donald, me too.
War is a terrible thing, of course. But some have come or been fooled into thinking that there is something "glorious" or exalted about soldiering. To be expendable "government issue" (G.I.) is the height of stupidity wasting a human existence and plunging into a world of consequences in the future.

As bad is praising and glorifying the choice to be a murderous soldier so that others fall into it by your words. Be careful what you praise, approve of, laud, and say. Often, someone is listening.

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