Friday, February 7, 2020

2020 Conscious Life Expo, L.A. (Feb 7-10); Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Crystal Q., Wisdom Quarterly
Dharma Buddhist Meditation has a visit planned: Feb. 8, 2020

We live in an evolving universe, in an orgasmic atomic dance of consciousness. Everything is transforming. The wise through history attempt to define the nature of reality.

Many models have been devised. Most have fallen into the historical dustbin, with others barely hanging on. This generation is co-creating a new model. No, it is not all figured out and defined. But we know the elements to be included in a future model.

It's LA's spiritual bazaar to spend money.
The central intention of the Conscious Life Expo is to participate in the conscious co-creation of a new world based on new paradigms in science, spirituality, longevity, local and global community, relationship, and health and well-being.

As we co-create a wholistic model through authentic self-expression, we participate in a powerful play of life and a passionate celebration of love.

The Expo is a three-day gathering of individuals, tribes, and traditions celebrating evolving consciousness, a brainstorming session about who we are, what we're becoming, where we are, and where we're going. More

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