Sunday, April 26, 2020

Phone booth set up to reach the dead (doc)

NHK World, Japan (doc); Beyond Science; Pat Macpherson and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

"The Phone of the Wind"
I can suddenly see unseen beings.
The Tsunami was a terrible thing, and Japan remembers. One seaside village in particular lost the largest number of inhabitants and did something about it. One man set up a phone booth to speak to the dead. News got out. Now a line of people forms daily to reach out to the other side. It is not merely a feelgood exercise.

Two-way communicating with the dead was done at least two times before, in ancient Greece with psychomanteum oracle shrines and in modern America using EMF radio devices. Few tells us about these two objective-subjective tools.

Psychomanteum (necromantic mirror gazing)
(Beyond Science, 8/28/18) The ancient practice of slanted mirror gazing was used in ancient Greece. Back then people were very much like us today, pondering the meaning of life and death. Humans wanted answers about what the beyond, the other side of the veil. Mirror gazing has gone mainstream with psychologist Dr. Raymond Moody, who has devoted his life to studying NDEs (near-death experiences). Dr. Moody helped develop specific techniques for creating an atmosphere to conduct mirror-gazing experiences in one's own personal psychomanteum. REFERENCES:,,

The Buddhist way: Meditation
"The dead" are here next to us a few "stations" over on neighboring frequencies.
In any case, there is another way that is much better: In Buddhism, what is the most important thing to seeing the unseen, to sensing what is normally invisible, to reach the deceased (pretas, devas, narakas, yakshas, and many others) while living is to clean up the means of seeing -- the heart/mind.

That is done by meditation to purify consciousness, remove the Five Hindrances, and attain a state of clarity.

"The path of purification" is another name for Buddhism. It leads to knowing and seeing in this very life. It leads to more, to the end of all suffering, to the direct realization of the highest truths. The truth sets us free. If we see without being set free by what we know-and-see, we might well regret it.

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