Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump has "total" power, says Trump (video)

The Guardian, Daily White House PR Briefing; Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly
(Fox 10) T silences a "female reporter" who dares to question his authority.

Will Trump also be getting his own sneaker line?
Hitler (and Balsonaro, Than Shwe, Duterte, etc.) would be proud. Pres. Trump asserts ultimate authority, total power, for he is a monarch with autocratic rule able to boss around the governors of individual states at his will and whim. His defense is "the federal government has the power."' And the president is the leader of the federal government, so he has total power.

Pres. Obama was a nice charismatic trickster.
And "we'll write papers about this so we don't even have to talk about it." Ha ha ha, he does have the power he claims IF no one challenges him about it. He will shut down the country, and He alone will open it when he wants, and nobody else can -- is his point. His power is absolute, like a showrunner/dictator in a reality show.

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