Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Venus meets the Pleiades (Seven Sisters)

Deborah Byrd (, April 3, 2020; Pat Macpherson, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

This week Venus – the brightest planet and dazzling “evening star” – passes the Pleiades star cluster [possibly our original home], also known as the “Seven Sisters.” Look west after sunset. Venus and the Pleiades meet every eight years [as the skies move over earth, giving the illusion that the earth is spinning, which is illusory according to Eric Dubay and others' systematic observations]. PHOTOS

"Frosty, Heidi, & Frank (FHF) Show" keeps the morning entertainment coming (KLOS 95.5 FM, Engineer Eric, drunk Frank, Marci Fridays, and reporter Heidi. Frosty's been furloughed.

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