Friday, May 8, 2020

Vesak, Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara (5/9)

A  baby novice-monk approaches the Buddha.
"Buddhist Xmas" is upon us during the month of Vesakha. The Buddhist holiday Vesak represents three ancient full moon days, all on the same month in three different years.

On the first, Prince Siddhartha Gautama was born. Thirty-five years later, he experienced a great awakening or mahabodhi to become the Buddha, the "Awakened One."

Forty-five years after that, he passed away into final nirvana (parinibbana), the end of all ignorance, suffering, and rebirth.

This thrice blessed day (this year 2563 BE or 2020 AD) falls on May 7 but as usual is being celebrated around the world all month long.
  • Mindfulness Meditation Center
  • (Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara)
  • 1023 N. Glendora Ave., Covina, CA 91724
  • Telephone: (626) 364-7497

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