Thursday, June 4, 2020

New L.A. mountain lion "murder cats" born

Kristina Bravo (, June 3, 2020); edited by Ashley Wells, Xochitl, Wisdom Quarterly

P-54 gives birth to 3 mountain lion kittens that may bring much needed genetic diversity to LA's Santa Monica Mountains
Murder kittens are so cute!
Mountain lion P-54 has given birth to what scientists believe to be her first litter, three [murder cat] kittens that may bring genetic diversity to the area, officials announced June 2, 2020. National Park Service (NPS) researchers found the litter after noticing GPS locations.... More than four months ago, she was “located” on GPS with P-63, the only collared adult male in the mountains, for two days.

Biologists found three healthy kittens: two males, which were named P-82 and P-83, and one female, P-84.

Murder claws kill more creatures than imagined
The scientists tagged the trio, estimated to be 19 days old at the time, and took DNA samples for genetic testing, NPS said.

The litter is thought to be the first fathered by P-63, which researchers captured and collared with his mother in Feb. 2018 north of the 101 Freeway in the Simi Hills of northern LA. He was about 15 months old at the time. More

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